Around the turn of the year I got the flu.
I have fully recovered now, and I am, as always, grateful for the process.
I call catching a virus getting an update
It cleaned my system. I was feverish for 2 days while my cells heated up to clean and protect themselves. I needed to surrender to the process and experience the luxury of being sick.
It was yet another purge.
Speaking of purges, it felt like I sweated out all of the toxicity that I took in in 2021. All that crooked news. All these lies. All the violent Twitter feeds that I got sucked into in a moment of weakness. Giving into the short term dopamine reward. A result from feeling isolated at times in a world that went banana’s.
A clowns world.
At the core of it is brute force. Something not natural. Not human like. Kind, understanding, and open. Something brutally violent forcing billions of people to do something that they normally would not do. The raw definition of power.
This piece is about I got cleansed by a virus update.
And now I have a problem. I don’t want to go back in this toxic streams of useless ‘news’. Attention seeking tweets full of hate, blame, anger, aggression and conflict.
I rather stay in this place of purity, of real connection, of inner wisdom so to speak.
This is a tale about why God invented sickness for us humans to get better. In balance again.
There is nothing to fight, to battle, to overcome. It is about a deep surrender, in trust. Listening to the message of transformation.
I rather stick to the good old Flu
As you notice I don’t use words Corona or Covid. I rather stick with the flu.
And it doesn’t matter.
First of all there is a super charge on the word Covid. It’s the most used and abused word in the history of mankind. Even writing it lowers my frequency immediately.
It’s a modern Trojan horse word. A spell. Like 9/11 was. ( Again 19, the beginning of the end)
Cast this word in the minds of millions of innocent civilians and they’ll do what you tell them. It’s literally the key hypnotizing word that is signalled millions of times daily through MSM.
After 2 years of abuse some people have reached the level of compliance beyond absurdity. They’re proud to shoot an untested GEN therapy in the arm of their innocent under 5 year old children.
Or they’ll collectively hate a sane and fit pro tennis player that needs a court case to be able to leave a health prison, to be able to play some games of tennis, while being perfectly healthy.
And they call this normal.
The game is to break levels of resistance of people that do stand up, also after being jabbed 3 times. Or 6, 9, 12. The game will continue untill people stand up.
The signs are here. In Holland, people will be forced to wear the medical mouth diapers, you know, that one that makes you look like a pig. The mainstream news had the audacity to tell the people that all other slavepieces actually don’t really protect sufficiently.
After 2 years of ordering to wear them.
Nobody piled them up in the streets and burned them. Nobody got angry and asked the right question.
Instead, People buy it. People are numbed out, hypnotized, drilled, dopamine junked, mass formated and brain perforated.
They’ll line up for this new C-product line. The more Scifi and anti-human-connection the mask will look, the better. It’s medical capitalism. I guess the contracts with mouth mask companies probably just have been renewed.
This game can and will restart, times and times again. Rince and repeat.
Until you catch the flu, like I just did.
And you don’t freak out. You think simply of pre-new normal times where winter came, people got a new variant of an old friend that is only there to make you stronger.
The variants didn’t have military names like Delta, Pappa, Brava, Charley. And you know what, people didn’t give a shit. It was called;
You press your lemons, you take your extra vitamin, you sleep extra and rest enough. You cuddle up deep in bed with a good book. And you enjoy the update.
What did the update teach me?
The flu back in January 2020 almost killed me.
I did get some lung problems afterwards. I feel it when I’m in dense population areas with tons of cars and fine dust. But it didn’t kill me, so I continued to live my life the best way I can, regarding circumstances.
I never did a test either, since I refuse the bare concept of a test society. I reject the new normal where health has become a dangerous ideology and the jab a religion. It’s simply not my reality.
I am not religious, I am a cojonas Atheist.
I refuse to call it Covid either. Since up to this very day NON, ZIP, NADA Cojonas virus has been isolated and showed to the world in an unbiased nuetral not for profit way.
Look, we got the ugly spikey bastard, let’s hang it.
No, none of that. The enemy needs to remain invisible, till the end of the program.
Since the virus hasn’t even been proven to exist, I’ll stick sick with the flu.
Good old H1N1 variant. Or whatever science labels it.
But what did it teach me? Here are my latest updates
I only take in a minimum required dose of insanity daily, meaning, only a small dose of toxic MSM, maybe a few Twitter threads, some news that sticks out since its so insane it becomes hylaric ( Like the serious news that people with heart attacks need to make it to the hospital themselves in the U.K) . I did have the impression that all that fake toxic noise somehow got stuck in my system, and this recent flu purge flushed it all out. I’m not gonna store much of that shit again. The minimum amount to be able to tell you about it here, in a certain meaningfull wider context. Maybe to make you laugh a bit.
That’s in fact part of the sense making we talked about earlier, the ability to take in a certain amount of noise, and trying to dilute 5% of signal. For some time to come, I am not interested in that 5% of signal since most of the news is 100% bullshit now. Sometimes, a more sincere article sticks out. In this case, the author warns us for the loss of our privacy through biometric surveillance in for example sport stadiums. This now is getting a push world wide, since, O yak, paper tickets can contain this not so deadly virus. It’s just the training of the masses for the eradication of cash, since that’s paper too. The argument? The coronavirus is a bigger enemy than [any threat to] privacy.” Where did we hear that before? Yes, you got it. Terrorists in plains causing a world wide surveillance and data update in air-traffic after 9/11. Happily, all terrorists have died of Cojonas.
I just feel better the less I witness the conflict in the world. That’s a simple truth. The world is forced something though their throat, ( well, up their arm to be more precise), and with brute force comes conflict, and enemies. Over are those times where thousands came to protest in love and peace, trying to hug Police SWAT Robocops. Give them flowers. The amount of violence just became too strong. Who loves to volunteer to be beaten, shamed, violated, and abused? There must be a more clever way. That’s the one I am trying at the moment. It’s called: Being happy.
Live a meaningful happy live as means of non violent protest
Live a meaningful life as way of protest. You know, I sincerely believe the best way of protest in this period of the transformation, is to be simply happy. To not live in fear, have deeper meaningful connections, be outside a lot, hug a lot, dance, celebrate life in groups of people, built up society 4.0 together, in Joy.
I know it’s possible since I am doing it here in Ibiza. And it’s happening everywhere as a healthy response to our Governments screwing up.
I know, it’s quite the effort at the moment to not be in fear since that has become the dominant world wide culture, the real pandemic.
But being in the underground resistance means simply, being, happy.
Stay human. Have meaningfull deeper connections on a daily basis. Be nurtured by mind like peers.
You might think, nice words, while I feel isolated in my town, in my appartment, in my family even. Than my words to you are: break out, move out, unglue yourself from screens. As if your life depended on it.
The most important way forward is to find like minded people around you, to get together, to co-create this new world. Sometimes this feels like the only way to survive this attack on humanity. To become even more human. More real, more connected.
It’s a huge oppertunity.
I mean, how many times in your life you get the chance to co-create society again from scratch, from what you hold sacred, from what you hold close to your heart, from higher values. It’s truly epic.
Forget about our world leaders. They’re a bunch of hippocryt sociopathic criminals that are imposing force on billions with a misaligned vision that comes out of their perverted small fearfull minds and even smaller hearts. They are losing their power by the minute since people world wide are waking up and are taking their power back.
Go play monopoly in your bunkers while you still can. You had it all. You stole it all, and now you pushed it too far.
Simply being happy is my mantra for the coming times. My short term goal is living an uncomplicated life.
Be in good companion. This literally means, break and eat bread together.
Lucien Lecarme
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