Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
Go off-screen.  As if Your Life Depended on it

Go off-screen.  As if Your Life Depended on it

Because it does

Get rid of your phone, start building your dream


Screenworld 2021; The metaverse is coming to get you.

A completely fake world where streams of bytes eat away your passion, your dream, and eventually your life.

You’ll be a virtual zombie staring in your Oculus while all of your vital brain functions believe it’s real and you let your body and soul slowly rot away in stasis.

Any idea still what real-life even means?

No, It’s not a meme nor an NFT.

This is done on purpose. Your life energy gets sucked out every day by a greenish surreal monster that is called artificial self-learning intelligence.

Algorithms eat your data by the kilo and spew it back over you to control your behaviour. Byte by byte. Breath by breath.

Here’s a quick flash course on real life, when you’re interested in taking it back.


You don’t need more followers, views, or click porn to feel more self-worth.

Your self worth is something you had long before screens got invented.

Screens eat away your self-worth. Screens make you compete with the rest of the planet. This game you’ll never win.

This leaves you empty. A hollow shell with two arms and fingers frantically scrolling, clicking, scratching and swiping that last milligram of dopamine off your screen.

Like a coke addict going to toilets in clubs to find free leftovers of coke on mirrors.

That’s what social media did to us.

That’s why a young girl in 2019 killed herself because on her Instagram poll 69% voted for her death, instead of enjoying her youth as a blossoming flower. This should have been a sign, a token. To ban it forever.

We don’t need to choose a black mirror society.

We’ve let it become too powerful. We will never be able to beat A.I on its home ground; technology.

Develop your own technology, the intelligence of your gut, heart and brain. It’s infinitely more rewarding and real and everything than whatever big tech is selling us as the future of humanity.

Build your dream

Start building using the fire of your passion and what gives you joy. Create. Become a master in what you do. Or at least have the intention.

Show up in the gym of real life. Do the daily muscle training.

Screens are a lazy way out. Total escapism.

Our billionaires are the biggest scammers with their sick mars obsession, leaving our mother earth to die. Their dream is to beat life with cash. To live forever.

And those people are our current cult hero’s?

You’re infinite richer deep inside already.


Real-life fucking hurts and will challenge you. And you know what? It’s great to die.

This is the only thing that truly gives life value and depth.

Every. Single. Day.

Take back your life. It’s so damn precious.

Muscle training

These are some real-life exercises I do in my own life. I hope they can inspire you

  • Go and research where you feel resistance or trigger. Triggers are your secret pathway to growth. Resistance challenges you to get off your couch of certainty, comfort and daily routine.

  • Check-in with how you feel, and start owning your shit. This means you become honest in sharing your true feelings, without attacking, blaming or shaming.

  • The world has become one toxic blame and shame theatre because social media is a fake anonymous connection. Be the exception, give the example, practice becoming transparent, honest and vulnerable with the real people you care about around you.

  • Be the source. Practice giving what you most need to receive.

  • Don’t talk about your dream, create it. I know enough people who talk and talk about writing a book. All that time talking could have been spent writing 3 sentences.

  • Discipline. Do it when you don’t feel like it, but honour your limits. Let the incremental process guide you.

  • Define and embrace what is sacred to you. Defend it with your life. For me, my connection with nature is sacred. This means I’ll protect the earth with my life. That’s why I bring people back into nature in Ibiza.

  • Build your Intention muscle. Give attention to what is sacred to you. Everyday. Never skip a day. Not in the first 3 years. Even 5 minutes is enough.

  • Step out of being a victim, become the creator of your life.

You have this.

Humanity is waking up from everything that’s not serving us in a higher purpose to become more human.

In the core of it, it's a battle between the light and dark, between spiritual progress and capital growth progress.

When you choose your soul to live in a virtual fake world, that’s fine with me. Just be aware that most of it is clever marketing. It’s the big escape brought to us as ‘innovation’.

The rewards waiting for you out here, where you can touch, feel and hear me, are quadrillion times bigger.

You’ll need to do the daily muscle training of life, to reap those fruits and that sweet nectar of life. To harvest what you’ve sawn.

Start seeding today.

Stop giving your life away to a screen that, in the end, gives nothing sustainable back.

Lucien Lecarme


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Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
Make Sense, Not War podcast with weekly medicine to help live a more meaningful life