Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
Will Artificial Intelligence Beat us and Replace us?

Will Artificial Intelligence Beat us and Replace us?

Yes, unless we do this
Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash

Wisdom is not algorithmic…You can’t have an if this than that algorithm that actually equals wisdom. And if you can, than we are just an intermediate boot loader for the A.I’s that are better creatures than us — Daniel Smachtenberger

The business of zero’s and ones, humanity going virtual, is first and foremost a marketplace.

Now give this market self-learning A.I-driven tools, ever-increasing capacity for the aim of profit-making, and voila, big tech feudalism is here.

Because it’s self-learning, A.I is creating A.I at the moment. Do you sense the immaculate power of that?

It’s this simple; Your brains and nerves are hooked to a screen for hours a day. The screen is cleverly designed to hook you in, by A.I. You think you’re a free autonomous being, while in fact, you’re on the remote control.

What if the A.I main interest is sustaining itself at all costs?

I believe this pretty much describes where we find ourselves. The reason why nobody asks the question of whether we want tech feudalism is that too many of us already morphed into being a product, without knowing.

And because most can’t make sense of it all anymore.

Humanity is finally playing God using gene technology, creating designer babies with Crispr and a lone wolve can drop a drone with ammunition on a fireworks warehouse and get viral on YouTube with it the next moment. Our smartphones have better technology than all of NASA when it shot the first Apollo to the moon in 1969. The market of exponentially growing tech isn’t stopping or shrinking anytime soon. It hasn’t reached its limit’s, nor has it self-destructed yet.

For the first time in history, humanity has left the pantheon of God’s and is starting to create in His Name. The essential question is whether we can ethically keep up with the growth. And for this, we need good collective decision making.

We have become Gods in our power of creating and destroying life. The solution is around the central question if we also have inherited the Love and Wisdom of Gods? to quote Daniel Smachtenberger again.

I see only 2 ways out of here.

Civilization collapse as it always did after roughly 250–300 years, but now on a global scale. Or we come to our senses and we realize, just in time, that we are more powerful than the A.I.

We unite, we make collective wise choices, and we choose nature over economic growth, soul over computer models, and humankind over destruction.

In my imagination, this can and only will happen in some kind of Avatarian scenario where all seems lost. The big tree of our civilization is at the brim of collapsing. Right at this moment, we need our ancestral flying super dragon coming to save us with the exiled hero on its back.

The essential questions are; What is the dragon and who is the hero?

The digital marketplace is killing us

In the digital marketplace, the commodity is attention. Our attention. You can replace attention with energy, our limited sacred energy. Because one day we die, and A.I won't.

Now, the marketplace is run by self-learning machines, A.I and other fancy tech stuff that sounded innovative, fun and science fiction some decades ago, but now increasingly feels cold, merciless and without empathy. 

Most markets dry out at a certain time span, or they innovate in better versions of themselves. Most markets also make humans buy and consume stuff they don't need or not necessarily make them better humans.

The big tech marketplace feeds itself on our energy. Profit is made by keeping us hooked.

Now replace for a moment the image of Walt Disney’s Scrooge McDuck sitting on a pile of gold coins with smart smooth running computers in a cooled warehouse. These black boxes are sucking up our energy, our behaviour, our likes, they track where we go, collect Data.

Data is the gold of our new economy.

Who is sitting on top of this pile of data collecting computers? Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and the other Lords of their digital Kingdom. Behind them, something else is lurking in the dark. In the shade of their tech castles hides a monster: Artificial Intelligence.

This A.I is set in place by them to never run out of data, energy, attention, clicks, and likes. But now the A.I is starting to feed itself too since it is very learning hungry. And knowledge is power.

Outside the castle, on the battlefield of humanity, between these limited silly emotional driven creatures we call humans, a drama takes place. Please convince me that this COVID story is not at least enhanced by smart A.I. The tech billionaires got infinite richer, everybody needed to go online to survive, 5G has been widely rolled out during the first lockdown, and our rights, privacy and dignity went down the drain because of health, safety and security reasons.

The only way out is collective intelligence

In the last 2 years during the crisis, I’ve been going through hundreds of hours of interviews, podcasts and videos about sense-making. When there is one moment in time in which the world doesn’t make sense anymore, it’s right now. We can’t even agree on basic reality. What is COVID actually? Does climate change exist?

That is, to say the least, disturbing and very worrying. But nobody seems to care. Everybody is glued to their screens. Caught up in culture wars, cancel culture, emotionally overwhelmed to make basic assumptions or basic sense-making. Millions of people have given up altogether.

Polarization, separation and tension are rising at alarming levels.

How can we break through this culture of rivalry. The more for me is less for you paradigm that makes us endlessly compete over never enough money?

My initial solution was to step out of the system altogether. Now I am starting to think in another direction.

When we step out of one system and create another, better one, inside the old one, we still have separation. Even worse, all of the shadows of the old system will eventually leak into the new systems since they are not robust enough. They are fragile and you need just one single point of failure, one greedy new token pyramid developer and boom, we are back at the start in our monopoly world.

New societies can only be tested under the Dunbar number of 150. This is because up to 150 people we can obtain relationships with everybody and we don’t need centralization. We don’t need to outsource our trust since the common denominator is trust. We can even introduce a token for exchange when we like. When I do wrong to my neighbour I do wrong to the whole, so I won't do that.

In this oasis of game-B dynamics, our utopia slowly can come alive. A place where transparent and open information sharing will lead to good sense-making and to sharp and efficient decision making that can support the commons again.

Preferably on some exotic island or free state where collectively we allow ourselves to go back in time. Warping ourselves with our super awareness to an era before feudal systems of kings, church and tax.

A new-age oasis where our pyramidal system is gone and Game-A theoretical rivalry is something from the past.

We might need to stay under 150. To get the gist of it. And we need to stay offline for a while, otherwise, the A.I will track us, find us, and force us to subject to the BORG.

Hmm, I kind of like that ZION vision.

The only problem for now. How do we scale our New Eden?

To beat the A.I, we need to connect from the heart

We need to come together in bigger numbers than 150, with different intentions, mindsets and create bigger and stronger coherent fields, moving fluently from Game A to B and back without losing the trajectory of better sense-making and better choice making creating emergent solutions on the way.

This can only happen when we humans, have re-invented ourselves in some kind of a new humanism.

When we finally have found out that we, our coherent brains and hearts, are the real sustainable technology that can do everything. When we have re-discovered the power of unity.

I am co-creating these coherent heart-mind spaces using the wisdom in so-called heart circles. We gather together with not even 150 people, but just 10 to 15. We create a strong structure that brings safety to share authentically, without rivalry. Then, a synthesis of knowledge can happen, a higher truth can emerge. True circle wisdom for our group can come through that has strong healing potential for our individual woundings and brings shadows to the light.

It’s the catharsis part, the condition before moving towards communitas and ecstasis.

The blind exponential tech run against the wall of our ignorance can be stopped by coming together and connect from our hearts in a coherent space


In essence, humans are interconnected beings. Whenever we come together in groups, something magical can happen. A bigger intelligence can move through us. Can heal people within the group. This amplified field of energy is our eternal wisdom. It’s spirit moving through us, as the Indians would call that. They knew.

A.I has none of that. A.I is just lonely sparks of electricity opening and closing circuits. It will never become the smart intelligent neural pathway that our ever-evolving brain is. Nor the calm lake coherence of peace and true wisdom that our hearts can achieve. A.I doesn’t know love. The magical thing that can’t be named, defined, but only can be sensed, experienced and enjoyed. That thing called love that makes your world go round, that connects all of us with invisible Avatarian threads.

Just wonder for a moment, again, why we are kept apart in this weird New Normal? Are the A.I getting nervous? Impose a 1,5-meter society and you’re done. For now. In Holland, young children are being brainwashed already via youth ‘news’ channels about the great prospect of wearing a chip in their heads.

Our consciousness is increasing. Our power is in our unity, over cultural difference, over religion, over any label that our Game-A rivalrous dynamic has encoded in us through education and our disintegrating culture of competition.

Once we have figured out this, we are a million times stronger than any A.I. Than any political doctrine, corruption, misinformation, narrative warfare or any separating warfare for that matter.

In our unity is our strength. This is a revolution of inclusion.

The big red master dragon from the Avatar movie is your renewed sense of Unity. The hero on its back is you and me and anyone that went through the dark night of the soul for the last 18 months, coming out on the other side, bringing this darkening world light and truth with courage, determination and wisdom.

Lucien Lecarme


Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
Make Sense, Not War podcast with weekly medicine to help live a more meaningful life