Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
Why Big Tech Will Have it's Inexorable Big Fall

Why Big Tech Will Have it's Inexorable Big Fall

Larry Page and Sergey Brin should have paid attention in history class
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Its impossible to censor noble price winners, a Presidents of the U.S and brilliant minds and believing history will let you get away with it.

In a world where critical thoughts are systematically killed, silenced or otherwise stopped, social media like Twitter and YouTube will become extremely boring overtime.


Because they no longer represent the rich diversity of thought. Questions that rise organically. Logical remarks. Plain right in your face truths. Stuff of which sense making is made. A collective process that should include all voices.

These platforms become artificial.


No depth, only hate trash.

More and more of the same hollow propaganda, while their real intention is surfacing. Their initial investors are getting what they want.

Did you know that Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance?

History will show them their rightful place. This is why.

Fear-bait writers are taking over and it’s ugly

Recently, I’ve turned my back to a platform that I’ve given a lot of time, energy, dedication, love. Medium. Just to see it being taken over by a bunch of fear-bait writers that surf the tsunami of terror to cash in.

Welcome to Intellectual zombieland.

Its disgusting. And somehow understandable.

Its inherent in a system where crony capitalism has completely taken over. Where perverse incentives are being pushed to such an extreme that all is left is a global totalitarian push of oligarchs, of twisted elites that go for absolute power now, since they can smell it. And why not? Let’s give it a shot, humanity. And a booster.

Some topwriters on platforms like Medium do the same. They openly abuse the polarization and dehumanization and get away with it. Most lack an inherent sense of ethics, a backbone, principles. Suddenly, cowardice gets a platform. It’s easy hiding behind what big brother’s terms and conditions is dictating people what to write. And think.

When tomorrow truth is surfacing, they’ll quite easily change their direction of thought, as if principles are flexible and to stand up for your own truth never has consequences. We were just following orders, writing about what everybody thought was right.

Yep, the Germans thought they were free back in 1934

What they are doing is consciously throwing more dry hate wood on the us-versus-them fire that is burning down our civilizations.

And big tech is facilitating this. Using the collective shame mechanism. How dare they still think autonomously, chose their wisdom of their own body instead of marketplace science coming from criminal corporations with terrible track records?

Think witch hunts. Kind of the same thing really. Witches in those days were inpure humans, women that believed in the power of nature.

Nothing much changed really.

Whenever force is put upon societies, conflict, polarization and enemies arise.

It’s not a natural state, and it won’t last. Deep inside, you might feel like you don’t want to go into that toxic tweet. But you’re pulled in the moment, the second, you watch your screen. Because the world is full of it now. It’s called a new normal.

But is it?

The other aspect of fascistic totalitarian take over is that people start to behave like children. This is because they’ve lost their dignity, their self respect, the choice of what you know is right that is nestled deep inside your heart.

Now its kindergarten. Look, those other kids don’t play along, can you please punish them so I can feel save ? Its the infinite shaming and blaming and killing online of very, very, respectable fellow human beings. Nobel price winners for C*** sake.

For this alone, YouTube should be banned yesterday instead of them banning the most respectable minds on the planet. It won’t last. You cant get away with that, unless you kill the majority of the world population. Well, they are giving it a shot.

I have moments of disgust for humanity. The state of collective infantile fear and guilt has reached biblical proportions.

The Great Purge

To make sense of it I call it the great purge.

It’s humans that are doing this to other humans since they cant keep away from that screen. They chose comfort over principles. They chose the in-group of the cult over the disobedient outcast.

Its human, we all need safety.

But outsourcing all of your health, your autonomy, your sanity, and your thoughts, to authority? That never has proven to be such a great idea.

When the criminal abuser stands in front of your door, it doesn’t matter if he carries a gun, a knife, or an automatic weapon. He’s wrong. He’s doing harm. He (or she) should be stopped, brought to justice. The problem is that your local newspaper and big tech is telling people he is saving humanity from a terrible threat.

A threat that needed to be marketed with a trillion dollar budget since its so invisible and statistically harmless that minds needed to be captured to believe in something, religiously, that is invisible.

A new religion. A new ideology.

I cant wait for the moment the big tech platforms will be brought down with their so-called terms and conditions. They chose the wrong side of history. They chose the main narrative. They chose to stimulate the fear porn, the open hate, the sewer of low emotional dehumanization. Just like MSM did. The mindless parroting of non nonsensical nonsense on the 21st century telescreen from corrupted marionette leaders.

To sell more ads. Collect more data. Since its an orgy of time on sight. Who cares if its ethically beyond vomiting?

And they block honest souls looking for a last spark of truth, of honesty and respect.

Truth will persevere. Fear is an illusion. Only love is real.

The force will wear off. It’s simply not sustainable. Worldwide the fear-makers and their following are a minority. The clock is ticking. The U.K is waking up as it seems. The turning point will come. I don’t care how long it takes for the hypnotized 30% of souls to wake up.

Meanwhile, I am waiting for an apology from my favorite platform when the time is there. No hard feelings.

Twitter, YouTube, Medium and the like coerced in the killing of millions of innocent people world wide by simply pushing and choosing a narrative that is false, wrong and a lie. Because they failed to stand up against it. In fact, they facilitated it and killed voices that questioned the narrative.

Everybody who is willing to loose everything can see this with their eyes wide shut.

Eventually they will be overtaken by a humanity that doesn’t need this extremely abusive and violent behavior and poisoned information culture anymore. They will go in history as tools of ultimate control and surveillance. Feeding anti-human behavior.

The opposite of free speech and free thought, that will have it’s epic renaissance.

Lucien Lecarme


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