Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
The Greater Reset-From the People, For the People
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The Greater Reset-From the People, For the People

PART 1 : Mapping the systemic flaws

This is a series of three articles around the idea of formulating the outlines for a plan, a Great Reset, from the people for the people. The past two years, humanity has been brutality attacked by a top-down technocratic plan imposing a new normal that is both trans-humanist and inhumane. Millions are suffering or either dying and more hardship is to come. 
History shows that a new story of culture and big societal changes always arise ground up. It’s time to define the conditions for this plan by looking at the three main root causes that corrupted our last paradigm configuration. 
This first article discerns the main three system malfunctions. Article two carefully defines a roadmap for solutions with underlying values that are humane, inclusive and evolve around giving back. Episode three is a future vision, as fully come to fruition after the coming death and social, economical and cultural renaissance.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Part 1: Mapping the system problems first

In good times, humanity always gets mesmerized into following authority.

We outsource the job to lead us.

It goes well for some decades or ages, but then the people are slapped in the face by an undeniable fact. Some humans are corrupt and will misuse the trust given for their benefit. These folks often end up on top of the pyramid.

The centralized model doesn’t have to be that way.

History shows we’ve been more decentralized than ruled over by Kings, Popes, Clergymen and now corporate global entities.

The founding fathers of the U.S gave the country, torn apart through civil war, a disclosure for democracy. When the state turns against the population, it’s the people’s right and plight to rise up and throw over the corrupted autocrats.

But what’s next? How to do this peacefully?

Faced with a sudden Great Reset, millions are frozen like rabbits in the spotlight of totalitarian control and follow the four your health and safety mantra.

It's time for action, though. We, the people, can make plans too. Yes, our systems need resets. So let’s make our master-plan. All significant societal changes in history have been ground up.

To do this, we need to start by examining where it went wrong first.

The fall of Trias Politicas & the rise of Perverse Incentives

We consciously gave our trust to centralized entities during the first stage of our agrarian revolution- (8.000- 12.000 BC). A small group of trusted elders was designated to make decisions for the commons. This is the first time in civilized humanity that diversification of tasks occurred. A system that benefited the whole of society, its safety and potential to survive war, famine and natural disaster and grow. This works best in small communities under the so-called Dunbar number of 150. Trust and social cohesion can last in these groups since humans can remember the faces and names of around 150 people. The single point of failure, one corrupt person, would be dismantled through this social cohesion.

Fast forward to the French enlightenment, where finally, the state was separated from the justice system and economic life. The birth of the Trias Politicas inspired by the French philosopher Montesquieu. It inspired the foundation of the Dutch Republic in 1798 and later the declaration of the rights of man and the constitution of the United States. Under his model, the state's political authority is divided into legislative, executive and judicial powers. Montesquieu asserted that to most effectively promote liberty, these three powers must be separate and act independently.

It has created the grandest economic growth and wealth for a relatively small portion of humanity, the West. Under a relatively fair system of justice and control for companies not becoming monopolies.

For a while, we have been living in a simulation of democracy that seemed to work and relative economic happiness and abundance. A centralized win-win where corporations, politicians and people seemed to act for a higher good. The commons, the planet, the weak. A value-centric model that appeared to make our societies thrive in a trusted system. We got closest to the ideal of Homo Economicus in the 80ies and 90ies. The sky seemed indeed the limit.

One of the major things that went wrong is that the Trias Politicas with politicians as fair representatives of the people binding economic forces got corrupted.

Through massive lobbying and backdoor deals, multinationals are not being held accountable anymore. They got a free play to form monopolies, poison rivers, create highly addicted shit or even test new medicines on the population while not being legally accountable. They ate all the competition, started cartels and became anti-human corporate entities.

Often with sociopaths at the top.

This is because, in our current distribution of power, the people that grab the most power and money at the expense of others get rewarded by the system itself. They end up at the top. This brought us to 2022.

The rise before the fall of our predatory capitalist system.

Predatory capitalism — The base flaw of our dying economic system

Our so-called worldwide health problem is revealing the darkest side of predatory capitalism. The biggest crime against humanity in history:

Make Sense Not War
How Big Pharma is Making a Killing
Humanity asked the entity that got the biggest criminal fine in history to safeguard our health in a so-called health crisis. Pfizer. They rolled out the biggest untested gene experiment in history. They created the most significant criminal malpractice…
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Big pharma making a killing while killing and harming millions with their experimental gene therapy that, now confessed, was never tested for transmission.

Let’s zoom out for a moment.

When we look at the reoccurrence of the New World Order narrative in our collective consciousness, it's fair to conclude that our good old bankster-gangster families like the Rothschilds and oligarchs like the Rockefellers continue their shady plan for a New World Order.

Probably it never really was halted. Power goes for absolute power.

Hitler, not winning the WOII, paused this eugenic communist plan of mass depopulation while turning the world into a technocrat totalitarian serfdom.

The Uber elite's mouthpieces are members of shady non-transparent clubs like Bilderberg, Club of Rome, the W.E.F and Young Global Leaders. They pooped out corrupt criminal politicians like Trudeau, Rutte or Jacinda Ardern. They’re all pushing the ‘Gobalists’ agenda. First in the dark, now in the open. Happily, they’re experiencing massive pushback from citizens worldwide

Corporations or even individuals funding medical organizations like the CDC or WHO have acquired absolute legal authority over your health this summer while you had a well-deserved break from global tyranny.

Speaking of.

On October 13nd, 2022, the thirteenth meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, took place. As expected, these criminals against humanity still push the covid narrative de facto, confirming that the pandemic will never be gone and vaccination will never cease.

This is from their report:

…The WHO Director-General concurs with the advice offered by the Committee regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and determines that the event continues to constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)…


Strengthen SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in humans to maintain (or, where needed, enhance) capacity to detect and assess emerging variants and significant changes to COVID-19 epidemiology …It is recommended that States Parties prepare for sustainable integration of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance with other surveillance systems.

Which means, in their plan, a Covid Vaccine passport.

Because of their relentless skipping of individual human rights in the face of a non-existing global health threat, they are apparently now fascistically calling in a biometric passport for every single individual on this planet.

Meanwhile, these organizations are entirely captured by the hands feeding them.

That’s a big f*cking problem, my friends.

Big Tech Censorship as part of polarizing mind control

Sadly, millions just can’t seem to wake up from proven facts that we need to take back our trust, authority and sovereignty. Millions can’t keep up with the narratives, out-rolls, the lock steps and behind-the-curtain trials, state-run digital currency tests and martial law amendments.

New narratives cooked in the kitchen of MSM whose presenters have become mindless assets in a relentless information war.

To find how sadly tyrannical fascist it all got, scroll the wasteland of impartial Fact Checkers trying to cover up parts of the truth. Ironically, fact-checkers have become big tech’s gatekeepers of truth finding.

Make Sense Not War
How the Elites are Gaslighting us in Obedience
Let’s assume corporations without a soul have almost destroyed the planet. No, it's not you and me, innocent good-faith civilians. Big-money cartels will continue to raid the planet until they realize they can’t eat dollars. Until they’ve killed the tree of souls…
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The toxic marriage of big tech, the captured Governments and anti-human corporations have turned into a bunch of vampires strolling the streets for attention, blood and obedience. It’s the new Trias Criminalis.

Just one example of recent censorship and the criminal misuse of authority.

This doctor refuses to give away her patient’s medical details since she follows her medical oath and moral compass. Remember the time that was an awesome valuable thing to do, and everybody would agree?

She has been bullied, abused, and coerced, and police raided her practice to steal clients’ files that she gave an exemption for the jabs. She now faces jail time for having consciousness and sticking to it. The people trying to censor her is the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which has become completely corrupted as it seems. It’s medical tyranny, and nobody seems to care.

We’re in a nasty Psy-Op war.

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Trias Criminalis

The above three main issues we need to fix forever in our plan are:

  1. The loss of Trias Politicas & the rise of Perverse Incentives

  2. Predatory Capitalism

  3. Big Tech censorship

These are the true viruses that have infected our systems on an economic, cultural and social level. On all levels. They are all that’s wrong in our Game A-driven reality.

I ask you to let sink in the devestating effects of predatory capitalism not being regulated anymore by representatives of the people.

You can see it all around in our New Normal.

The Vaccine Machine has become a seemingly unstoppable entity, killing people for profit. A very perverse incentive. A narrative based on a lie, but like a scratch, in a vinyl disk, it keeps repeating itself.

On October 13th, 2022, the WHO dares to declare that we’re still in a life-threatening pandemic.

Why can this insanity not be stopped?

I didn’t even start about the Military Industrial complex that follows the same anti-human trajectory of killing ordinary folks to profit the few.

They get away since Big Tech and MSM censor the truth and control people's thoughts. People that lost their critical thinking are now sheeping away in a prescribed reality, and you can teaspoon them anything. They’re OK with freezing to death while having their blue-yellow Ukrainian flag on their Facebook profile.

And it can get even worse when we go full totalitarian.

As Voltaire noticed:

Those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities

The trio of Perverse incentives, predatory capitalism and big tech censorship mixed with info warfare has become a Trias Criminalis on a global scale. We, the unzombied , not hypnotized or brainwashed, will need all the wind in our sails to redirect this course.

The three overlapping dynamics we need to improve in our plan

The Trias Criminalis seems to be on a rampage of destroying everything. What philosophers call a zero-sum game. Nobody wins. It’s a race to the bottom, probably leading to civilization collapse, nuclear armageddon, or both.

The host, our planet, is dying of the fast-growing cancers we’ve created in our childish quest to rule nature, compete for holy profit, follow the science, be childishly techno optimistic, and not look at our pain just to ‘win the game’.

When we think about how to take trust back into our own hands again and re-organize society bottom up, we need to look at three main overlapping issues and create a model that can never lead again to these three monstrous misalignment between power and people.

  1. TRUST

The trust we’ve given organizations to make decisions and run our lives is breached.

This trust, the foundation of a free and open democracy and society, has been misused globally. People are still waking up to the mechanism of coercion, mandates, bribery and cancellation of first rights and freedoms.

It’s a totalitarian global power grab of unprecedented scale.


How we use our exponentially growing tech is essential for us to thrive or be enslaved by it.

History shows that new tech that potentially can transform humanity and thrust us into a new era gets misused first by corrupted Government, the military or the Powers that Be.

Take the written word.

A beautiful invention that changed humanity forever. The Church misused it since their elite monks were the only ones who could read and write. They started to spread a fearful message, not Jesus’ words of love. To make people obey and pay taxes to secure their place in heaven.

It’s fair to say that our current fourth industrial revolution, where Big tech like Meta and Google became bigger than nation-states, created a power vacuum. Currently, a total power grab is taking place in that void, using the same tech that potentially can and will serve us. By the folks that own the tech.

In growing surveillance capitalism, just like fearful words supposedly coming from Jesus, the tech is now used to divide us. To control us and enslave us. Or at least that’s how it seems as we take a closer look at what’s happening in China.

The biggest problem of the perverse incentives that mega vertical monopolies like Meta have done to humanity is crushing its open social fabric.

This is another crime in itself. It’s done consciously for profit. Bad faith communication got normalized. This is why a billion users are set up against each other in cesspools of hate like Twitter when they’ve not already degenerated into a child mind state—parroting the propaganda of the day.

Why this is dangerous?

We’ve arrived at a point in history where millions of people have no issue with religiously supporting a nuclear attack against Russia. That’s the issue at hand.

Millions are marching into their demise as if it was all a videogame. This much alienated we’ve become from our fellow humans, ourselves, and nature.

I wish for a board of planetary wise elders suddenly beamed here to teach us love and wisdom. To take away the group-think spell, to end the hypnosis.

Our joint effort is for us to become that board of wise and loving elders in a decentralized way. Responsible stewards for our tech, wisdom keepers and spaceholders for our children, the earth and our future.

We need to develop a better vision than the W.E.F Great Reset on how to reform or transform most of our outdated systems.

Humanity is ready for the next step. We are collectively growing out of old systems. As Charles Eisenstein Brilliantly remarked, We’re in a story between stories. The old one isn’t true anymore, but the new one isn’t manifested yet.

That’s why there is so much fear. People crave for certainty. Sometimes you need to let it all go and trust to grow individually and collectively.

In my experience, it’s a consciousness driven transformation. We are getting upgrades, also on an energetic level. We’re experiencing a collective death. We’ve reached planetary boundaries. Infinite growth on a finite planet has hit its head. We’re drowning in rivers of grief and mountains of mourning from what we did to ourselves, each other and the earth. Next is the rebirth: a social, economic and cultural renaissance.

My gist is that the families, corporations and entities that have been in power and have ruled the world don’t want to give up that power. They like to keep playing their old divide-and-conquer game that worked for so long. At the same time, they’re sucking up all of the world's wealth since value extraction through financial markets has become the primary game. They play it best since they hold, for example, the power to print money and politicians and regulators in their big pockets.

I speak of them, and here is a significant thing.

To survive the coming phase, it seems or at least feels we need to start working together. For me, this transformation feels like a revolution of inclusion. Nothing changes when we don't change the systems that have proven not to work for us anymore. We can replace Bill Gates, but another Bill will rise.

We are witnessing the rise before the fall.

The Elites have become like the Roman Empire, grabbing everything while exposing their wealth to the rising hunger game society. It most probably will lead to their demise, to the implosion of the systems, like the predatory capitalist Game A system. To make things worse, the military-industrial complex is fighting war after war over oil, energy and simply power. It all feels so hopelessly outdated for millions of inhabitants of this planet.

Humanity is tired of old boys fighting endless wars over never enough power and money.

To stay on top of the game and in control, they devised a plan to orchestrate this transformation. The Great Reset. They packed it in a spiritual language everybody would sign up to.

The Great Reset is a wolf in sheep cloths made by the bad wolves

And we’re not buying it this time. Happily, the great reset is shedding light on all the formerly obscured corruption, power networks, perverse chains and criminal abuse. That’s what I mean by consciousness.

It’s light exposing the bad shit so it can transform too.

Because of the lack of light, love and consciousness, they honestly think we, humanity, will buy into their plan for reform that obviously keeps the old power dynamics in place. And replace it with a totalitarian tech dystopia pictured before. Because we don’t like this vision, it is now enforced. That won’t work, either. It is too energy and money costly, it opposes organic change, and we’re with many. And it fights the rise of humanity's rebirth in full light and consciousness. A fight you’ll never win.

They’re fighting a downhill battle and its sad to witness while millions are suffering. In the divine masterplan it’s probably needed and unavoidable. My best advice for when you are suffering from this toxic abuse, is not to resist.

Use wise tai-chi to use the energy behind this power grab, and bend it subtle towards the vision we as humanity embrace.

The solution I will present in part two.

This suggested resolution, the people's transformation for the people, must transform the system flaws that were the foundations of the trouble we find ourselves in today.

  • Trust

  • Tech as control

  • Transformation

Lets see how we can co-create forward better for all of us.

To be continued.

Lucien Lecarme

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