Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
The End of the Myth of Separation
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -12:54

The End of the Myth of Separation

How COVID pushed all our stories to the extreme for us to see the truth (and the lies)

I am not you.

Our central myth, our underlying story of culture, is one of separation.

It’s very difficult to connect intimately in a world where we all believe the central myth that shaped our culture.

I have nothing to do with that tree or fish.

Mechanical thinking has urged humanity throughout the ages to see the world as a threat with whimsical forces of nature trying to destroy us. This created science and our obsessive effort to control nature, our bodies, our minds and each other.

We come to realize now that it's all just one side of the story.

Slowly we start to see that we are part of nature. We are all connected. We can heal ourselves.

This is how our collective stories are pushed to the extreme for you to see they’re no longer true. I summarize the stories.

We can let go of them. They can die in peace.


We don’t need new stories. All we need to do is to remember and embrace who we are and have been all along the way.

The story of lack created false competition and addiction

Coming from living in a safe tribe that cared for you and where you belonged as a natural element of the whole, present-day life demands you to compete with everybody else over never enough money.

Since our other central myth is one of lack, there is not enough on this planet.

Who the f*ck made that up? Keynes?

This made life, society and others potentially hostile competition. You only can become ‘successful’ at the expense of others. In the U.S, this has been made into the highest dream worthwhile to pursue.

Win or die.

A money system based on lack forced us into this never-ending competition, leaving us ever more lonely in a consumer-production frenzy that has depleted the earth of its resources.

It has created mass addiction. To numb the core loneliness humans feel while surrounded by millions of people in mega-cities. Graveyards of the soul

The stories underlying our economy, science, health, tech and even religion have divided us. They have made us poor and lonely. Leaving our hearts empty and souls craving for human touch.

We numb out this pain in addiction just to feel human for that brief instant.

Our Society

Our story of separation with our core disconnectedness has been pushed to the extreme with the anti-human social distancing introduced as a new normal during Covid.

Social and distancing can’t go hand in hand. We’re social beings and need each other, touch and hugs. And we need to see our faces too.

We’ve even been forced to believe that other humans are potential threats we need to protect ourselves against. The parents that cared for us most of their lives have been left dying alone behind plexiglass.

How does your heart feel about that?

Why did we allow that?

It’s a story pushed to the extreme. It’s happening everywhere. For us to wake up to the pain of separation.


Our health paradigm clearly shows that people are kept weak, sick and dependent on pills and shots.

We are a priory sick and infectious but can buy and boost our way back to health.

I mean, what is sick here?

It’s the world upside down and far apart from what we are. Self-healing wonders of nature that can thrive from all the medicine that is abundantly given by nature.

Sadly, those natural medicines are blacklisted, and a modern witch hunt rages against homeopathy and other intuitive sciences.

As Dr Zach Bush shows us, we need to exchange viruses, bacteria and fungi as important information updates that will strengthen our gut and immune system. We’re made out of them. This knowledge will be part of the new paradigm.

Why this rigid, almost paranoid witch hunt on natural healing?

To show our current health paradigm is no longer valid.


The story of control, linear thinking and ‘follow the science’ has been pushed to an extreme technocratic worldview where every problem can be measured and solved with novel tech and data models.

There is no more space for magic, nor intuition or even common sense.

The U.K and it’s economic reality has been reshuffled because of one man, Neil Ferguson’s epidemiology model justifying the anti-human lockdowns.

It proved to be completely off, but the harm was and is done.

Follow the science has become a marketing slogan and hypnotizing mantra to keep people from using their brains.

Science has become part of the new religion and can not be doubted. The only thing that ever gave it its right even to exist.

People with critical minds, impartial, curious and not driven by perverse profit models are slowly turned into terrorists and enemies of the state. It’s beyond ridiculous that Nobel prize winners have been censored for practicing good old science.

Why this is happening? It pushes the myth of science to the limit for the underlying truth to reveal.

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Technology & Screen culture

The trans-humanist dream of us becoming cyborgs is sold to us as a story and future by our present-day billionaire tech overlords like Musk and writers like Yuval Noah Harari.

They forget to mention this will further enrich them while our workforce will be replaced by robots and our brains swapped by Artificial Intelligence.

In the end we will be a useless class kept high on chemical happiness. A vision described by Aldous Huxley in his famous Brave New World already back in 1953.

Screen culture has captured our minds into a box. The world bias created by social media has become a prison.

The insane ultra narcissistic selfie culture is the silent wound social media has inflicted on us.

Can you see it's the extreme of a story that started with Myspace and Youtube. YOU, ME, and I needed to become the centre of a virtual digital world using your dopamine to make you further addicted to your ego.

You are unique, you are a radio channel, A TV studio and a Brand in one. All in your screen, all in that box. Meanwhile, you’ve never been so lonely and disconnected from real people and the real world.

Why is everybody glued to screens while drowning in narcissistic loneliness? It's a story of 2000 years of individualization reaching the max.

To burst into a new truth of the power of the collective.

The ending story of money

Everybody is now running after the money as a last resource before the fall. We try to cover our naked lonely existence in a fur of dollars.

I decided to become full capitalism myself while it's still possible.

It won’t help. It’s just an echo of the collective where billionaires are raping the economy empty, and money printing presses are going Lamborghini level.

Our story of money, the fake creation of it by the magicians of money to control the world, is coming to an end. For this, the creation and the story need to be pushed to the max.

For our economy to burst and die.

It will make us re-evaluate possession, debt, interest and modern slavery through money. The new story must set us free from all of it. We will realize it was all a spell.

Corporate Ideology

The religion that once bound us together through sharing a standard world view and values has been replaced by corporate narratives propagated through their media channels.

Yes, narratives have become our new religion.

Stories in itself have become the most important weapon to capture and steer people’s perception and minds.

When you still manage to objectively examine narratives like public health and for your safety and protection, you notice the religious righteousness of the people following the prescribed reality. Obeying to the cult.

The new normal.

Health has become the new ideology, and vaccination a religion. And it all started with a story.

For your safety and protection

The mark of a totalitarian coup. All that sociopath anti-human corporate entities care for is shareholder profit.

They push the for our safety and protection slogan to the max for millions to wake up to the total control, criminal abuse and deadly extraction it covers up.

Where does this all bring us?

It brings us to the realization that our civilization is reaching the edge of a high cliff, and now collectively, we look into the deep canyon.

Our demise.

When we hold on to the stories that brought us here we’ll crush down. They have become blatant lies, and their weight will bring us down.

The result is what we see around us: Scared, lying technocratic tyrants building a new normal on lies. It is turning our world into fiction. Or a Leslie Nielsen movie at best.

It’s sad, a waste of time and money, and won’t work. They should chill the freak down instead. Its function is to push all the underlying stories to the extreme for humanity to wake up.

We need to let go first to be able to embrace a new paradigm.

One closer to our hearts.

We need to imagine this first to manifest it.

It's the imaginary leap of faith humanity needs to take to land safely on the other side of the canyon. To rebirth into the new paradigm we can’t create or think into existence with our old mindset.

It's the miracle we need. We have the power and ability to create from consciousness. Not only to survive this meta-crisis but also to thrive.

We need more pure-hearted storytellers with a broad imagination than tech nerds trying to mold us into controllable cyborgs.

It’s time to return home to our hearts. We need to remember ourselves home. Remember who we really are as one hell of kick-ass humanity capable of overcoming everything and making every one of us thrive in connection and unity.

We were never anything remotely else.

Lucien Lecarme

Order my new Ebook: 19 Sense-Making Blogs to Survive the Great Reset, and enjoy the ride.

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