Make Sense Not War
Make Sense Not War
How to Save Your Ass when the Going Gets Tough

How to Save Your Ass when the Going Gets Tough

We’re in a Massive “How to Save my Ass” Frenzy

Are you saving your ass too?

I would love to know how.

Lately, we act like a bunch of animals running inland minutes before the Tsunami kicks in.

Just before the end of the world as we know it, the most natural reaction is to grab what you can while you can. You’re only human. Your neighbour is doing it, so you can’t stay behind

Multi-Polar trap. Need to feed the kids.

Grabbing was one of our core foundations of capitalism, anyhow. Now it has turned into hopeless vicious stealing. Crony Capitalism. Crony means stealing.

As if a fur of dollars would be able to protect against Nuclear Armageddon, poisoned soil and air, Crispr gene editing on the loose, or the destruction of open society and democracy.

Sadly the save my ass frenzy has led to a massive ethical degradation. A dangerous consequence speeding up our collective civilization collapse. It’s a downward running uber-egoistic spiral.

Ethical boundaries keep us human, thus, keep us alive.

Doctors, watchdog officials, Employees of criminal organizations like Facebook, corrupt Politicians and CEOs of the cartels destroying our health have thrown their moral compass out of the window of their BMW’s.

One can hear teeth crackle on the other side of the moral line. What are they doing? Have they lost their mind?

They probably did. Decades ago.

Now, they dance on the ecstasy of the group think—the high of the mass formation as described by DeSmet. A once in a live chance to religiously belong to the right side. Of totalitarianism. To always win the argument since there is no longer a debate. To hide between the toxic shadow of the group and Tweet things you normally never would. And feel fine.

The script for the New Normal could have been written by George Orwell.

Isn’t it weird that Mass media is prescribing reality and telling what is right and wrong?. Isn’t it odd there’s not one individual doctor, CEO, or scientist that dares to stand apart from the group saying : ”I swear with my life that these jabs are safe and effective”?

It's easy hiding in the group's totality, dismiss any responsibility, be utterly brainwashed, and become an asset for the cult. To be rewarded by in-group bliss and mafia protection from the father state.

This is why people love totalitarianism.

It’s all part of the Save my ass culture. An important part. We’re talking lives here—reputation, jobs, mortgages, careers, loans. You don’t give that up for morality. No. Instead, you grab some more. Everybody is doing it.

Meanwhile, the correct answer to the changing paradigms probably would be becoming more humble. Assist people having a hard time with the draconian fascist power-grab—with the deep fake marching through social media, saluting the doublethink that spits out nonsense by the kilo.

The correct answer probably would be to minimalize—the Great Simplification.

To give things away. Nate Hagens calculated that your laptop should cost 3 million dollars when all the harm done to the earth and externalities for producing it would be compensated for. The cobalt that is mined for it would be somehow paid for. The people working in the mines in Kongo would get a good salary.

An average American citizen has 27 slaves working for him/her when we translate human energy into the energy consumption of everyday living.

Each barrel of oil would cost $10.000 when the hole in the earth where it came from would be repaired for future generations.

The grabbing as mush as we can frenzy is stealing from future generations

Big time. It’s robbing them blind even before they got born.

Generations will pay for the Russia-Ukraine war, for all the Vaccine injured low immune jabbed zombiehood. For the economic damage done by the Great Reset. For the breaking down of society. For anti-human corporate entities killing humanity.

I am not even talking about the psychological damage. The trauma. The collective wound. The distrust.

Never can we trust a centralized authority again that paralyzed common sense and stole our freedom with just one repeating lie: For your safety and protection.

Saving your ass is not the answer. A fur of dollars doesn’t protect your naked body from death, pain, truth and catharsis.

You better get a pair of night-vision goggles for the coming pitch-dark night of humanity's soul.

When something is at war with humanity, and something ugly definitely is, the only answer to win this battle is to stay human.

Lucien Lecarme


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