The Covid narrative is falling apart.
In the desert of lies, the pandemic was just a Fata Morgana.
Last week, the U.K suddenly dropped passes and masks. They didn’t even get to the stage of fascist mandates.
Why isn’t the rest of the world following?
This makes me weary.
After 2 years of criminal psychological hardcore warfare, a Government is not suddenly going to listen to its people.
A trick from the global corporations dictators handbook? Possible.
Take hands-off for a certain amount of time to test how many of the hypnotized Covid church-goers stick to their perverted new normal belief.
As we’ve all learned from Prof. Mathias Desmet, Covid saved their lives. Corona gave their empty fearful existence meaning. The fake pandemic fixed their free floating anxiety and gave them an in-group because of a common enemy.
And now it has become a religion and the jabs a recurring ritual of the cult. The more jabs, the stronger the believe. No way back.
Will they start to demand their 4th set of shots and more boosters? Can we expect protests from Vaxxers to get more and faster jabs? When Government doesn’t comply, they might file court cases since their basic rights are denied to be protected against anti-vaxxers, the present-day Lucifer’s that should burn in hell.
It’s a test how many believers the Church of Big pharma has in the UK.
The next level of power.
The slave owner releases the slaves
The slave owner lets the slaves free, but they return to the doorstep of the mansion begging to be enslaved again.
It’s the abused wanting more abuse. It’s the hostages begging for a continuation of their freedoms being taken away. A weird interdependence with their prison guards. Kind of Stockholm syndrome.
Why ?
Because it still beats their old lives and they’ve been programmed to obey the invisible cult leaders, for their survival.
It shows the amount of damage that has been done.
Its cult members stepping into the danger zone of becoming religiously obsessed and willing to die for the lie, collectively.
The good thing, these are symbols of the end-phase of the cult, as brilliantly depicted by C.J Hopkins in his latest Substack.
This shitshow wasn’t about Covid, as you probably know by now.
It’s the old problem-reaction-solution trick from the book of power. Its about the vision of our elites to mandate the great reset. The Ukraine crisis is a huge distraction until the next black Swan event: The economic ultra crash.
The end-phase of each cult in history was a messy chaotic process with lots of casualties.
There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted “Safe and Effective Kool-Aid” servers get to them—C.J Hopkins
They won’t go gently into the night. But when the zombies start waking up from the dead, it’s game over.
Lucien Lecarme
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