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Each one of us came into this world with absolutely nothing but the light and divine power of our spirit. We acclimatized to this dimension in the first seven years of our lives while our neurons and nervous systems were finishing their maturation. Unfortunately all information acquired in those seven years are permanently imprinted and despite all self help and psychotherapy, the subconscious is difficult to change.

We were taught never to question but accept the status quo. Read your dogmatic books, compete with each other, go to church and obey the priest (and give them some money) otherwise vengeful God will strike you, save your hard earn money in the banks that are already bursting with riches, go to college and graduate to get a nice paying job (non existent), get married and make your children do the same over again........

I am not an atheist but if there was a God, he or she will be very, very small minded to have created infinite glorious galaxies and cosmos full of trillions of worlds and the divine plan for us is to be bred to work 40 hours a week, retire when your body is falling apart, so you can die in a nursing home. Sounds more like a prison planet to me.

We all know deep within our spirits and psyche since childhood, the equations don't match up. Why are we taught to always fear, to hate when love is such a very beautiful and powerful thing: why have we been indoctrinated from birth never to grow spiritually, but to hand over our divine spiritual powers to religious and political overlords, who then sell it back to us; why is there so much furor and fierce opposition when we gather together for "very peaceful" protests ?? Are we so much feared ??? Even we want to live a natural divine life in the mountains and forests, we are still persecuted.

When do we start to turn inward and see the true purpose of our spiritual journey on earth ? It has nothing to do with accumulation of material stuff because we are "spiritual beings" having a earthly experience and can't take "matter" with us when we die but the experience. We can only experience matter and can't "own" matter. Clinging on to life is futile, our journeys are eternal, we are not physical bodies, but spiritual photonic bodies of light. That's why we have auras and chakra centers from our vibrating chromosomal antennas. We are hu-man (hue-man) beings with chroma-somes (light-bodies) which connect all of us to the etheric plane. All the infinite power we need lies within us to tap to the infinite creator. No being in existence can destroy or take over another unless they give their implied or direct consent. When we die and return to the spirit world, what do we say ??? I went to earth and gave my spiritual power and essence to a bunch of beings I gladly obeyed because they threatened to take my goodies from me.

As a child grows, the earth grows, galaxies grow, consciousness evolves. It is very important in these times to keep our bodies, minds, psyche very healthy as we all move into the Aquarian age. Even Jesus told us to watch for the man with the pitcher of water (Aquarius) as we move out of the age of Pisces. The overlords are well aware of this, thus the urgent need to grab us before our consciousness expands further.

Imagine what our lives will be like if we are groomed from birth to develop our true spiritual selves and not chase after material matter. There will be no greed and hate as we will see the glory of spirit in each and everyone of us. Poverty is man made as the earth has infinite abundance for the growing billions. While the few who have amassed riches off the sweat and pain of the poor, then turn around and say the world is overpopulated and they have to reduce global population; (reduce = culling, sterilization, eugenics, destruction of the unfit, mass killing ??? )

All the billions on the planet if left to exist naturally in their natural habitat, we live joyously everyday. But when a few control access to God given natural resources, how can you say the rest of the majority are living in poverty, yet deny the plain truth of your love of greed, power, narcissism, cruelty, hate......

If we are born and can take a natural breath of air, why has it been made we cannot each have a plot of land to live. Land, water, air, love, plants, food....are all God given to enjoy our spiritual experience and not doggy treats for us to chase after if we are obedient Pavlovian dogs.

Yes, this is truly a great awakening for those who want to be. As the Gita puts it, those who worship the Gods of food, go to the land of food, those who worship ignorance, die in the land of ignorance, those who seek liberation end up in the land of truly free. Even Jesus in the Bible said" Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find.

A word is enough for the wise !!! Choose your poison, choose your own delusion.

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