1 Comment

Not a scientist. I guess science is a subject that you failed in school.

Your conviction is laudable but it's misinformed.

I would guess you don't research the other side of things

Yes, there is a global effort to privatize everything and make us pay rent to use things and capitalism is the most inhuman system ever created.

The big problem is we the people are being fucked big time.

Everybody is addicted to their phones { Intentional } and is distracted by the algorithms that constantly pop up so you feel you must look.

Now with the metaverse, they will have total control of every aspect of your life. EVERYTHING!

We must put away our petty differences and join together to make them eat cake.

We almost lost our freedoms and rights last election to a fascist totalitarian grifter and their ilk.

I fear we are too far gone but I'm an optimist till the end.

I'm 68 now so I've been fighting the system for decades.

If we don't pull together as one, We are doomed.

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