Let’s assume corporations without a soul have almost destroyed the planet.
No, it's not you and me, innocent good-faith civilians.
Big-money cartels will continue to raid the planet until they realize they can’t eat dollars. Until they’ve killed the tree of souls.
Yeah, you can argue it’s the system that exploited our finite planet with infinite dreams of wealth and growth. But the system is authorized by humans made out of flesh and blood. The guys on top of the pyramid.
Systems change. History shows us that every — ism will end someday. Also capitalism. We, the people, are waking up to how for decades, the power that be is extracting our commonwealth, while externalizing the harm.
On our shoulders.
Whether in the 2008 orchestrated economic crisis that resulted in bailing out banks paid for by our taxes or the present-day climate crisis.
The result is the same. We are to blame. We literally pay the price. With debt slavery, with our life energy. And we need to suffer shame, guilt, anxiety and stress. Since it’s our fault.
The price we pay is tax rises, hyper-inflation, more control, brainwashing, greenwashing, taking away almost every freedom our honourable forefathers died for, and most of all;
Continues gaslighting
What am I talking about?
This is how we are getting gaslighted for stuff we didn’t cause. This is what should be done to stop this.
Emotional toxic blackmail
The elites, the power that be, are practising emotional toxic blackmail on such a massive scale that people fall for it. By the millions.
It surely can’t be that evil?
Yes, it can, and it is.
This cognitive bias is understandable. Nine out of ten people are just good-faith people. They give their trust, vaccinate for ‘public’ health, stop organic farming when they’re told it’s bad for the food crisis, and keep on boosting even when people are doing the sudden death thing everywhere around them.
And the 1% sociopaths know this. And abuse it.
It’s summer here, and I don’t want to bother you with this shit. People are gathering with ten thousands to sing Paradise at Coldplay concerts. You should be enjoying life, dreaming of paradise.
Since you’re allowed to.
Smell the flowers while you can.
But I don’t want to ignore it any longer. It grows stronger and more absurd with each passing day. For this blog, let’s focus on one of the most ‘ urgent’ and difficult topics, Climate Change and Green Washing.
Climate Change is a hollow phrase.
First, climate change is a hollow phrase, a hyper object, a narrative.
When the climate would not change, we would be really fucked. Everything changes, and then we die. That’s the essence of life.
Humans are just a bleep in the cosmic existence. Sadly, many of us lack humility or the realization that we’re a grain of sand in the face of creation.
Back to climate change. Lets set the stage first.
Parasite corporations have been sucking out the wealth from the Congo to Australian native grounds to build millions of iPhones and laptops. CEO’s have been sucking out most of the wealth from Africa to Latin America just to build more shareholder profit, more skyscrapers, or to put a golden logo in their swimming pool in the basements of their yacht.
They have become anti-human. Profit over lives.
Let’s assume climate change is impacting humanity in a non-desired way ( that will impact the poorest first, as always), and action should be taken immediately.
Then it's logical that the people having caused the trouble should take responsibility. Pay for the cleaning. Give the example. Fund the transition to renewables. Give everybody a Tesla. Or whatever it takes.
Instead, they fly with private jets to global climate summits. And through their news cartels, they blame us. Simple serfs.
Not much insight there.
This is why
It’s a simple psychological game.
When you haven't enough awareness of how toxic the behaviour of your industry has been for decades (we can take this quite literally in the case of climate change), and you are not ready to face the pain you have been causing humanity, you gonna blame the weakest.
So it doesn’t even have to be conscious.
Lets assume for a moment those CEOs in their jets live in such an alternate reality, so far away from normal human life & suffering, that they started to believe that they’re the saints and we are the working bees that need to clean. Everything. For them.
People like Bill Gates pretend this kind of childish behaviour. He is more of a megalomania narcissist than a sociopath. Recently, he ordered his news mafia to tell the masses that he’s giving away 20% of his wealth, cementing the false narrative of being a selfless saviour for humanity.
He is probably feeling some heat.
The reality is that he’s giving his wealth to himself. To dodge taxes.
The point is that he probably really believes this sick saviour stuff. As a protection to not have to look at all the harm he has done to humanity with;
Simply being so disgustingly rich, thus keeping the global inequality as it is
His vaccine testing in Africa and Inda, causing harm for children, and death
His misplaced land ownership in the U.S causing outrage and concern among locals that have a traditional connection to the land and care for it.
His technocratic anti-human ‘chip the world’ vision is about only one thing;
Blaming the weakest
How does the gaslighting work?
This is a homemade definition;
Gaslighting; When you know you did something wrong, and you should carry the consequences, but you can’t. You start lying, and denying, and you start blaming the other, with such force, that it starts to look and feel so convincing, that you start believing your own false, abusive story
When you understand this underlying psychological dynamic, the next step for people like Gates, Musk, Bezos, or one of the other five man owning as much as the poorest half of the world population, is that when the shit hits the fan, and you are getting slightly out of control, you’re gonna blame the rest.
You’ll use blame, shame, guilt and fear. All low-frequency emotions.
Especially fear.
Raging wildfires eating up houses make great headlines. Or what about African heatwaves triggering huge migration waves from Northern Africa to Europe? People climbing electrified fences in desperation. Makes more great headlines.
At some point, it's easy to blame everything on climate change. Violence towards women. Riots in Sri Lanka. You name it.
It's getting absurd.
While it's time for you and your corrupt elites friend to start taking responsibility.
The second, more important result of gaslighting the global population
Gaslighting has a second very important reason.
The secret key to maintaining your power.
When you focus on somebody else in a conflict, you take control and power of the situation. Because it’s not about you.
These decade-old information war strategies have only one purpose; To keep the coordinated attention from the masses away from the real source, from the people having profited from our suffering for centuries. From the people wanting to own everything while we’re happy fighting for scraps and eating bugs.
They will continue until they are stopped. Until we wake up to the rigged game
The good news?
We’re waking up.
We are waking up
By the millions, since it's getting all too obvious. We’re very close to say a collective NO. Farmers in the Netherlands are doing it, truckers in Canada, citizens in Sri-Lanka. The list is growing.
Millions are already seeing through the scam. When you’re one of them, I am preaching in the church of the critical minds. It is obvious now that crisis after crisis has been created, so why isn’t climate change created?
Well, look outside; there is a heatwave going on. Sure, and now I’m to blame?
Exactly the sentence that will get me sentenced and cancelled by the green-washed mob.
In our 2022 level of info warfare, it's all about the group. The climate concerns us all. So if you become a climate denier, you’re not playing ball, and now you’re the enemy; you are the one to blame.
You’re a dangerous climate Covid monkey Russia denier.
It is CRISPR clear that the elites, or the powers that be, are to blame.
And we need to move on level up; with a blame and guild game, we’re getting nowhere. It's time to grow up, for the organizations, corporations and elites to start taking real responsibilities.
To stop lying. To themselves first.
They’ll need to go through landfills of pain first, and eat away fatty tons of cognitive dissonance.
Honestly, slowly killing the planet has killed the souls of many of our ‘leaders’ They’ve become the villains in the Avatar movie that are killing the wisdom tree. As we speak.
This tree of souls is a symbol of humans having souls.
When the elites realize they’ve been selling their soul to $$$ for years now, they’ll either hang themselves in their bunkers in New Zealand or wake up to the scale of the misery they’ve caused. Hopefully, some of them will start realizing the debt they have to humanity.
And we, good people, will probably forgive them. Apart from some really, really angry farmers with sharp pitchforks.
Gates, Musk, Zuck and Bezos, and the other happy few; It’s time to start paying back.
Working as one to solve the things that need solving. Our power is in unity, not separation. Only then we can perform magic.
It seems we need miracles to turn the tide. And we will.
Lucien Lecarme