Humanity asked the entity that got the biggest criminal fine in history to safeguard our health in a so-called health crisis.
They rolled out the biggest untested gene experiment in history.
They created the most significant criminal malpractice.
Pharma launched the most extensive human disaster ever.
It's asking a convicted child abuser in prison to come to babysit your child.
And billions opened their door.
They called the experiment a vaccine, which is a lie. This bought the trust of hundreds of millions. Another billion fell for the violent coercion through mandates. All criminal practices facilitated by corrupted governments and three-letter pundit organizations bought by a bunch of billionaires.
They falsely positioned the ‘ Safe and effective’ slogan as a religious mantra, the highest truth we mortals are not allowed to touch. If we dare, we will burn our fingers at social isolation. Well, everything’s better than being part of a worldwide clan of brainwashed ‘ Wir haben es night gewust’ co-horts.
Then they sold us to trust the science.
Science is created on the foundation to challenge it, De-Facto. Good faith scientists with excellent reputations that opted out of bribery and followed their ethical compass got their careers assassinated, their persons publicly shamed, and their businesses closed.
The 1% elite sucked out unprecedented wealth from creating the Covid scam.
They used this money for the most extensive bribery and coercion operation in history. Especially to silence most critical voices, to fund their mafia news channels, to bribe politicians.
They paid hospitals over $30k per alleged Covid death. Hospital management swept the hospitals clean of non-essential sick humans, letting them die in their homes. Or on the street.
They killed millions of elderly out of sheer solitude behind plexiglass, watching their kin wave at them the last time through clever Covid-apps.
Big tech is making a killing too.
Big tech overlords tripled their income through inhuman lockdowns and Covid Nazi track apps.
They made a killing with New Normal fascist social distancing, staying-at-home restraints and work-from-home campaigns. Anything but away from healthy human contact and direct communication. They got billions hooked on screens, and now they try to sell us the Metaverse to shut us up forever.
A.I evolved into the biggest threat to your healthy attention, hijacking it with addictive screen content, nuking your focus with dopamine shots. A.I also write press releases now with the sole aim to further polarize, rip what’s left of our open society apart, and bombard us in never-ending information warfare.
Self-learning machines use thousands of data points against you. You gave them away for free to Meta in return for watching cat videos and funny dances.
They let you swim around in your digital goldfish bowl forever, feeding you bits and pieces of confirmation bias to keep you hooked on chemical happiness in your artificial world. Your World
Not the world. Duh.
How to grasp the dark enormity of it?
All of this nightmare is a somewhat deliberate ultra-dark attack on the human family as a whole. When you consider that more than 5 billion are jabbed.
I know, in reality, it's a hyper clever spiritual hijack to let us wake the fuck up. And Millions are waking up with every booster campaign or sudden death in their close circle.
The brutal totality of it is almost too big for any ethically grounded mind to grasp. Including mine. I am still in the process of wrapping my mind around the possible gruesome consequences. That’s why I am writing about it. Trying to make sense of it all.
It eases the inner pain.
It’s easier to imagine the script of a Hollywood B-science fiction movie, where dark outer space forces in ultrasonic pink spaceships in the form of needles try to wipe out humanity, than facing the fact that corporate entities without any legal accountability unleashed a nuclear bomb for your immune system, according to Dr Cole.
A lipic partical strapped to a gene is an atomic bomb — Dr. Cole
When asked what the biggest problem is that we’re facing related to the scamdemic and global Great Reset power grab, Dr Cole answered;
We keep on using a dangerous product that doesn’t work to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.
And there is much more.
The scenario for an endless pandemic
Nuking the immune system of billions will unleash unprecedented variations of the same song, of the same virus because herd immunity has been artificially wiped out.
Big tech 1984 Google first censored the word natural immunity from search results. Then the CDC willingly changed the definition of herd immunity to something that can only be achieved by, you guessed it, mass vaccination.
In society anno 2022, you are deemed sick as a human being, but you can buy and jab your way out to becoming healthy
With the next wave of variant XYZ, Big mafia Media will set up the billions of vaxxed against the awake minority, offering the biggest scapegoat in history.
One million uniting Coldplay concerts won’t prevent this.
Of course, the unvaxxed are guilty because of nonexistent cross-pollination or whatever the fuck ‘science’ invented. They will try to put us in health camps, far away from the ‘ healthy’ population.
What a laugh.
The zombie cognative dissonance
As long as people keep allowing themselves to be brainwashed at this scale, they will take this shit.
As long as mass formation ingredients exist in our systemic set-up of society, people will keep giving away their sovereignty and their bodily autonomy, give in others, take ritualized shots and wear symbols of submission. Just to feel safe.
They even brought it to the clubs in Ibiza now, offering a ritualized morbid dancing around a Black Plague mask in satanic red.
Obeying will ultimately get you stripped of all your freedoms in your personalized digital prison cell. Indeed, now you’ll be ‘ save and protected’, against the criminals that got you there in the first place. The bunch of Davos pundits, the inhuman pharma mafia that just took over your hood. Sadly they put a ticking time bomb in your genetic set-up.
In your head.
In this fantastic interview with Dr Cole, you can learn that the lipic particle strapped to a gene was initially invented for some rare chemotherapy with a high risk for neurological damage.
Over the years, the zombie cognative dissonance to this kind of fact will grow the size of the grand canyon. Nobody loves to admit they were wrong, that they were forced into something even their darkest inner nightmare producer would self-sencor.
I can imagine, after 34 jabs, when a non-critical mind suddenly wakes up by accident, the bright light of truth will give them a fatal double-cloth shot haemorrhage just the same. Just a too big gap to bridge.
I feel compassion.
The biggest question of our times will become how to help these billions of people. How to reset the course of humanity?
I wonder what the names of the endless variants will be then. Butterfly But?
Speak Out or Zombie out?
I don’t like to shout in your echo chamber or pray in my church, but the above facts must be repeated. Why?
To prevent your friend or family, or relatives from taking any more booster
To keep the flame of justice alive
Because totalitarian regimes in the making need enemies, they will inflict less harm on the ingroup. ( Many of Stalin’s party members got killed, with their consent, after Stalin had killed almost all of his exterior enemies)
As Matthias Desmet taught us, you must keep speaking your truth, no matter what. And history taught us, too, by the way.
More and more facts are surfacing because you simply can’t cover up the most significant criminal group murder attempt in human history.
There’s not even a word for it.
Genocide comes close but doesn't nail it. Genocide looks like a walk in the park compared to the willingly injecting more than half of the world population with an unsafe, untested piece of gene technology, altering the human tree's genome as we speak.
Pharma making a killing is mutating fetuses, causing unprecedented harm to millions, and taking away the dignity of the human family. An inside job to first eliminate the poorest before sucking away the last remaining middle class.
To end up in a hunger games society ruled by less than 1%, protected by a digital layer of nano precise social credit control.
The vaccine passport is a practice app to test the tech and normalize biometric control. The national state bank-run cryptocurrency will be the final step of money as the ultimate means of control.
The ‘ O God, I hate that smelly Covid cash’, stories already surfaced, telling us where the grand narrative is headed.
Guys and Girls, when we sit tight and let this all happen, in 8 years, you’ll be an obeying slave in your digital goldfish bowl. Your last remaining life energy will be sucked out by goldfish products you can purchase by just thinking about them with what is left of your goldfish brain.
Happily, you don’t need to work anymore. You’re kept alive on UBI fish food. God knows where that comes from. Did you ever watch Cloud Atlas? You don’t even own the water in the bowl. You rent it. You’ve learned to smile happily. Otherwise, other fish in other bowls lower your credit score.
Once a month, your cyborg overlord will throw you an insect as a reward for good behaviour.
How you wished deep inside that you stood up while you could.
Lucien Lecarme
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